Membership of Friends of Nella Dan

Members of Friends of Nella Dan are eligible for the board and may influence the association’s ongoing efforts by casting their vote at the general assembly. Members of Friends of Nella Dan receive a special log-in to the website that provides access to newsletters, contact information, projects, social events and membership gadgets.

All friends of Nella Dan in the Facebook group ‘Friends of Nella Dan’ are considered passive members of the association.

The annual personal membership fee is DKK 200. The annual membership fee for associations, institutions and companies is DKK 1,000. The website also offers options for making donations to support the association’s work.

Use the link to the right to apply for membership.

Photo by Henrik Hartlev Jeppesen

Regulations for membership according to Section 4 of the association’s statutes:

§ 4 Membership

As members of the association may be admitted all persons, who can join the association’s purpose and who will acknowledge these statutes – and who:

  • can provide a valid birth certificate issued under travel with Nella Dan, or …
  • has worked on board or with connection to Nella Dan, or …
  • had relations to crewmembers in the period 1961-1987, or …
  • by two members of the association recommends the person as member.

2) Only the Board has the authority to accept members of the association.

3) Paying members of the Association qualify as candidates to the Board, and have voting rights at the association’s highest authority; The General Assembly.

4) Persons who alone are affiliated with the Facebook group “Friends of Nella Dan” are considered passive members of the Association without voting rights in the association.

5) Companies, foundations, institutions and others who wish to contribute to the promotion of the association’s purpose may be included in the association as support members with voting rights. Companies, foundations, institutions and other support members, are as other members entitled to vote at the Associations General Assembly.