Steve Foster and Graeham Goble’s song about the loss of Nella Dan was written and released in 1988.

The ballad is featured along with other songs about life at sea on the CD ‘Ships & Sailors & Songs of the Sea’.

Nella Dan was the setting for many lives, adventures and stories over the years.

The film database was created with support from the private foundation Lauritzen Fonden.

Here we collect and share films of life on board and around Nella Dan over more than a quarter century.

“Nella Dan” sails on.

Friends of Nella Dan takes good care of Søren Sørensen’s prize-winning model of MV Nella Dan.

The R/C model is from 1993 and fully functioning, complete with engine smoke and running lights.

A gift that goes both ways.

When you read the book, keep your ears dry, drink from your mug or wear the T-shirt, you are also telling the story about Nella Dan.



In 2020, the Australian government will put a new ice-breaker into operation to serve the Australian Antarctic bases.

The new ship was designed by the Danish firm KNUD E. HANSEN a/s in Elsinore.

We follow the construction of the ship up close.

What should the new ship be named?


The horn had to be replaced sometime in the 1980s after it had got stuck as the ship was passing through the Suez Canal and nearly scared the rest of the convoy out of the water and onto the brink of the Sinai Peninsula.

Luckily, the horn fell into the right hands … and we’re taking good care of it.

Honk if you support Nella Dan!